By Frank Doris, July 2020
Carl Marchisotto is the president of Holbrook, NY-based Accent Speaker
Technology, manufacturers of NOLA loudspeakers. Before then, Marilyn
and Carl owned Acarian Systems, makers of Alon speakers, and Carl
worked for Dahlquist and others.
NOLA offers loudspeakers for stereo and multichannel
listening. Available in a variety of finishes, NOLA models range from
the $2,500 per pair Boxer 3 compact speaker to the flagship Grand
Reference VI Gold, a $450,000 system featuring two main and two
subwoofer towers plus two external crossover units with isolation

NOLA Grand Reference VI Gold
Frank Doris: How did you get started in audio? Was it before you
joined Dahlquist?
Carl Marchisotto: It was a love of music that got me interested in its
reproduction. I studied piano for 12 years and my father played
violin. My mother brought me to the old Metropolitan Opera House
often. I became used to the sound of live music at an early age.
I became fascinated with loudspeakers while in high school. I built a
pair of 12-cubic-foot bass reflex enclosures to go with Whiteley
Stentorian 12 inch coaxial drivers. Fortunately my Dad was into
woodworking, which made this possible.
In the late 1960s I worked as an engineer for Fairchild Defense. After
hours, while at home, I developed a musical effects device that could
sustain guitar notes.
We showed it to [guitar manufacturer] Gibson and they bought it. They
named it the Maestro Sustainer. I then left Fairchild in 1971 to start
All Test Devices with my wife Marilyn and another partner to produce
the Sustainer for Gibson, in addition to other musical effects
devices. I also developed the All Test Phono Preamp model ATD 25 and
this product got me closer to reproducing music – my first
love. We later sold our company to my partner and in 1976 I joined

An early-version Maestro Sustainer
FD: Can you give us a rundown of your time at Dahlquist? How were you
involved in new product development and speakers like the DQ-20?
CM: Dahlquist was a one-product company at the time I joined it. I
developed all the products that came after the original DQ-10
loudspeaker, including the mirror-image and mylar cap kits. (The
earlier DQ-10s had drivers that were in the same orientation
regardless of whether the speaker was used for the left or right
channel. Carl's revision oriented the speaker drivers in
matched, mirror-image pairs, which improved imaging and
soundstaging. – FD)
I developed two lines of enclosure-type loudspeakers encompassing some
eight models in the M Series and the M900 Series.
I was there for 15 years and developed the DQ-8, DQ-12 and DQ-20i in
the open-baffle range. Then unfortunately Jon had an automobile
accident which left him debilitated and the company was sold.

Dahlquist DQ-20
I remember two great things about working at Dahlquist. One: Jon gave
me free rein in developing products so I was able to investigate the
sound of many materials and techniques for use in loudspeakers. Two:
the great Saul Marantz. I could listen to his experiences and advice
all day long – he was that spellbinding.
Dahlquist became a totally different company when the corporate types
(aka The Suits) took over. They told me which tweeter I had to use and
that it could cost $7 max! They only saw cost, with sound quality
FD: What made you decide to leave and start Acarian Systems, later
Accent Speaker Technology?
CM: The new management and I were not a good fit, to say the least. I
convinced them to pay me full salary and benefits for nine months if I
left. They agreed. I used the time off to develop a new
loudspeaker. Marilyn and I formed Acarian Systems to produce it.
We named it the Alon IV. There was also a third partner involved in
Acarian. Over time this third partner became more and more greedy
– until it became impossible to continue – and this
caused Marilyn and me to leave Acarian Systems.

Alon IV
In 2004, Marilyn and I left to form Accent Speaker Technology, with
the brand name NOLA. Even though we owned all the rights to all the
Alon designs and technology, this third partner in Acarian sued us
anyway. The new company, Accent Speaker, is family-owned, with no
outside corporate interests and no partners to answer to. It
continues this way today.

Marilyn and Carl Marchisotto
FD: You've always been a proponent of drivers, specifically
tweeters and midrange drivers, mounted in open enclosure-less
baffles. Why?
CM: I prefer the open baffle design for midrange drivers and tweeters
because this provides a sound that is closest to the sound of live
music. The difference in sound is not subtle. Many times at shows,
visitors told us they came into our room because of the sound they
heard in the hallway – outside our demo room. However, since
there is no rear air load on the driver to control the driver, as in a
box speaker, special drivers are required. These turn out to be more
expensive, but worth it to my ear.
In addition, there is no way to completely absorb a driver's rear wave
in a box speaker, and so the delayed rear radiation is reflected back
through the cone, and this colors the sound.

NOLA Concert Grand Reference Gold 2
FD: What is your philosophy on crossover design?
CM: We have our own topology, which we developed. We named it
Unison. Except for some subwoofer applications, I do not agree with
using 24 dB/octave slopes for bass, midrange or high frequencies. This
is due to the deleterious effects of such a slope to the transient
response and efficiency of the system. We also do not agree with the
very shallow 6 dB/octave crossover slopes.
FD: What do you like for driver materials? I know you're a big fan of
alnico magnets.
CM: We use Alnico-magnet systems in our best drivers, despite the high
cost, because they provide the most lifelike sound. However, they are
too large to use in the True Ribbon tweeters used in the Reference
models, so we use high-grade neodymium for the ribbons instead.
Our best speakers use metal cone woofers, coated paper cone midrange
drivers and aluminum True Ribbon tweeters. Our less-costly models use
silk dome tweeters. When developing the Gold series of our Reference
loudspeakers, we decided to gold-plate the copper phase plugs for
cosmetic reasons. Much to our surprise, the gold plating improved the
sound of the solid copper phase plugs! We continue to gold-plate
FD: What do you think sets NOLA speakers apart?
CM: I think what sets NOLA apart is that my goal is to duplicate the
experience, at home, of listening to the live event. Naturally the
more ambitious models come closer to achieving this goal.
But even with the Boxer 3, our least-costly model, I have spent a
great deal of time listening and optimizing the sound during its
development. I listen to everything that affects sound –
including types of adhesives (we use different ones in different
places), types of rubber, fastening devices, component mounting
techniques, and cabinet materials and finishes, in addition to the
usual list of things like drivers, crossover components, solder and
speaker terminals.

NOLA Boxer 3
All models including the Boxer 3 are hand-built, hard-wired without
printed circuits or current limiting devices, and use lead-free
silver-soldered joints throughout. All products are built to customer
order – not from stock.
FD: What are some memorable moments you can tell us about?
CM: Listening to Saul Marantz at Dahlquist telling me about the time
he told Sid Smith how to get the phono noise down on the Marantz Model
7 preamplifier. Saul had this gift of asking a few questions and then
being able to reduce a complex issue to a more fundamental one,
wherein the solution to a problem became apparent. It is not that Saul
told the engineers what to do, but instead, that he created an
environment where his interaction allowed the engineer to perform at
his best. I can still hear the unmistakable sound of the
"clink" from Saul's Zippo lighter.
Listening together with the late great Harry Pearson – he was
only interested in the sound produced and not by what or who made
it. And if he was not happy, he would have no problem in letting you
know. He was usually right. Fortunately, he always seemed to like what
I designed. He was gifted in not only what he heard but also in being
able to describe the sound in words in such a way that resonated with
During the Acarian days, in conjunction with the late beloved Victor
Goldstein [see our tribute to Victor in Issue 111], Victor made
arrangements so that he and I were able to set up and to demonstrate
the Alon V loudspeaker to the orchestra members of the New York
Philharmonic. I remember one of the orchestra members saying to me,
after the demo, "I cannot believe that I can now hear the difference
between a Steinway and a Baldwin." This unexpected comment meant a
great deal to me.
FD: That must have been gratifying!
CM: Then there was the time at Dahlquist I had a big shot from our
German driver manufacturer ask me at CES as I was taking a speaker
apart, "Is it broken?" "No," I said, "just modifying it."
I had not finished the design of a new model before it was time to
ship it to CES. I had not decided whether I liked the sound with the
brace installed. So I glued in the brace and shipped it to the
show. As it turned out I did not want the brace, so at CES I was
wielding a hammer at the cabinet – bang bang, bang! –
just as the big shot guest walked in!
Once at Dahlquist Jon got the bright idea that we should line a
cabinet with black top for damping the inside of the walls. So we
followed a black top truck through the neighborhood and got them to
give us a pail of black top. We then brought it to Jon's kitchen and
microwaved it! Well, he was the boss! What a mess and a smell! Not
We never did get to listen to it.
Then there was another time at Dahlquist when we were developing the
DQ-1W subwoofer. Jon decided that the Marchisotto's apartment had the
best bass characteristics, so we had to do all the listening in that
apartment, much to my wife's surprise. Jon, not known for quick
decisions, had us build 16 different subwoofer designs – all
brought to our small apartment on the second floor. The net result,
after we managed to knock all the glasses out of the next door lady's
china closet, was that she threatened to call the police! I guess she
was not an audiophile.
At Acarian we once shipped about 15 pairs of Alon I speakers to our
Thailand distributor. Only one problem: our manufacturing partner
forgot to glue in place the bottoms of all the cabinets, so once the
speakers got to Thailand all the bottoms fell out. The irresponsible
partner's response was, "so send them some screws." Needless to say we
lost the distributor.
FD: Even before the COVID-19 crisis, some brick and mortar dealers
were struggling. How has NOLA been handling the situation? Any plans
to sell direct, or maybe do a combination of online and retail?
CM: We do offer direct sales to our customers in areas where there is
no dealer nearby.
FD: Anything else you'd like to add?
CM: I think there is a fundamental difference between NOLA and other
speaker manufacturers. As I mentioned, I have had a consistent goal
for the sound of our speakers to re-create the live sound experience
in the home. This concept has followed me through more than three
companies, dating back from before the Dahlquist DQ-10 up to the NOLA
Grand Reference VI Gold. I think the most important consideration in
buying a loudspeaker is if you agree with the designer, in the same
way that you agree with the chef when choosing a restaurant.
I think product reviews may be more important now than ever. This is
because there are now fewer local dealers for a customer to visit and
audition the product in person. Sadly, there seems also to be fewer
reviews that describe the sound of the product in such a way that
reading the review would give a potential buyer the critical
information he or she seeks.
FD: Is there anything new on the horizon you can tell us about? Any
big surprises in the works?
CM: The most exciting new development at NOLA is our Studio Grand
Reference Gold 2. I was very happy and excited to hear that the
prototype performed as I had envisioned. The soundscape was huge in a
relatively small room with images that suspended out in front of and
behind the speaker into a 3-dimensional palpable space. Using just one
exotic super-Alnico bass driver, bass response has been extended to
28Hz. We hope to share this experience of the Studio Grand Reference
Gold 2 at the next live audio show.

NOLA Studio Grand Reference Gold 2
We'd like to close this interview with a comment from Marilyn
Marchisotto, Carl's wife of 52 years:
Like some of our great music composers, there is no doubt that Carl
has that gift for hearing the music in his head before his design is
even put down on paper. He has often discussed a design he's had in
his head with me, and that he just knows the speakers will make the
same musical sounds once they're built. And much to my astonishment,
he always succeeds. Our family is so proud of his work and dedication
to his passion for music. Over the years, he has shared this passion
with me and has passed down this passion to his daughters as well.
Accent Speaker Technology, Ltd.
1511 Lincoln Avenue
Holbrook, NY 11741
Header image: NOLA Announcer 2, center channel speaker.