Issue 5/2007
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by Jaakko Eräpuu

First impressions go to "the non-speaker like" big and spacious
soundstage, but secondly after that impression you notice the grand
bass reproduction. In spite of the generous level of bass they are
articulate and go fairly low. At normal music listening there is no
need for subwoofer, although the lowest notes lack a little bit of
weight. The soundstage is not pin point accurate, but it is focused
enough and naturally open. The sound located extremely little on the
speakers. Well- recorded acoustic music flows with ease. The best is
that the speaker sounds believable also with lower sound levels
(unlike Marten that needs higher than normal sound levels).
Nola Viper Reference has a perfect command of rhythm and pace. Latino
music flows and the ethno jazz of Zawinul is very lively. When you
have a live recording, there is a very strong feeling of
presence. Nola Viper Reference is also a very dynamic speaker. You can
play fortes with ease and there is no compression even at the highest
sound levels. The bigger the volume, the larger the sound. Tonally
sound is on the warm side, it is grand and very lively. Cymbals have a
nice natural sound. Also brass is produced in a natural way. Piano
sounds sometimes a little dark because the speakers produce so much
warmth in lower mid-range.
What I'm missing sometimes is some kind of "bite", but perhaps Nola is
not intended for monitor-like sound. If your musical dream coming
true is to get a roomful of music, then this Nola speaker is the
perfect choice for you. The Nola Viper Reference's sound is a "big
world high end sound", not an "unsophisticated hi fi-sound".
by Mikael Wederström
The Nola Viper Reference sounds massive, big and bold. The soundstage
is deep, "non-speaker like" and extremely spacious. The orchestra
seems to play at the rear wall with a deep arch. Even close-miked
sound from Dire Straits jazz guitar does not seem to come from the
speakers. Those are the first impressions. After a short analysis you
can start to make deeper conclusions. The speaker is very
revealing.(In the middle of the test we changed the interconnect
cables which made a surprisingly big difference to the sound). The
soundstage depth is also very accurate. Tonally there is a slight
"loudness effect" in the speaker which can be heard especially in
heavy bass sounds. In spite of the fact that the speaker was located
far away from the rear wall, the level of bass was too high. This can
be heard in all recordings. This heavy bass weakens the speakers
groove, transparency and slam. Electric guitar may lose "bite" and
presence. On the other hand this smoothness makes listening peaceful
and non-fatiguing. There is sometimes too much energy in the upper
mid-end, which was revealed when I was listening to Metallica and
other hard rock type recordings. Even this shortcoming though didn't
produce listening fatigue.
It seems that the Nola Viper Reference is not analytical . It is a
very impressive sounding speaker. Musically the Nola Viper Reference
is very satisfactory with a sound that isn't traditional hi fi.
Note: Nola Loudspeakers are distributed in Finland by Stars and
Stripes OY. Email: jouni.lahti@somero.salonseutu.fi