Nola Pegasus Speakers
Reviewed by Roy Gregory In Issue 42
Price: £39OOO
UK Distributor: Nola (UK) Ltd.
Tel. (44)(0)791 617 6399
E-mail. michael-akuttcr@hotmail.co.uk
Accent Loudspeakers Ltd.
Net. www.nolaspeakers.com
Last year we saw a pair of loudspeaker designs, Avalon Acoustics'
Eidolon Diamond and the Marten Coltrane, establish a significant new
benchmark in the cost versus performance equation. Suddenly you could
get so much out of a (relatively) small and (relatively) affordable
box that one was forced to question the benefits of larger, more
extravagant and vastly more costly systems. All too often, the
comparison proved less than flattering to the more expensive models,
the harsh glare of the reality check leaving a very select few with
their dignity intact. Now that movement has been reinforced by the
arrival of the Nola Pegasus, which hits the cost criterion even if
it's larger than the other two and rather less elegant. It adopts a
very different approach too, relying on a multitude of drive units all
equipped with distinctly retro AlNiCo magnet assemblies. But don't be
fooled by the obvious differences; in all sonically important respects
the Nolas toe the party line, albeit with their own distinctive
twist. Striking a near perfect balance of bottom-end extension,
drivability and energy distribution, they major on tonal accuracy
scale and the organic thrust of the performance. They are also
ruthlessly revealing of associated electronics and set-up, but working
at their best they are astonishingly coherent. Turn out the lights and
they flat-out disappear - which is a pretty neat trick for something
this big. Add supertweeters to match the extension of the diamond
domes employed in both the Eldolon and Coltrane and you lift their
performance another notch. Unfailingly musical and involving, they
simply blow away audio sceptics, whose cries of "How much?" shift from
the incredulous to the enquiring. It doesn't make them any more
affordable, but it's mighty gratifying...