Rocky Mountain Audio Fest 2012

RMAF 2012 Show Report
Grand Nola
Posted Oct 18, 2012
By Art Dudley

Near-holographic imaging -- an audio ideal for some hobbyists! --
could be heard in the Nola suite, where the company's new KO
loudspeaker ($9800/pair) was demonstrated with Audio Research
amplification, Audio Research CD player, and Nordost cabling and
Quantum QX4 EMF-control devices. The 3.5-way KO uses aluminum-cone
woofers and is described by designer Carl Marchisotto as offering 90dB
sensitivity and a nominal 8-ohm load.

Some audio systems sound like X-rays of the music, very detailed and
finely edged. Others like very fine photographs or high-def movies of
a performance.
In this room with Nola's new KO speakers with their spacious,
unfettered, boxless, open baffle soundstage, sounded as close to a
real, live performance as we heard at the show.
Driven by ARC amps and a small fortune in Nordost Odin cable, this was
one room we didn't want to leave. Another Carl Marchisotto
masterpiece. These simply smoked many other speakers we heard well
over the KO's $9,800 asking price.

The Absolute Sound Magazine, issue 230. Feb 2013, Jonathan Valin: BEST SOUND / HIGHEST VALUE AWARD NOLA KO
"These are wonderful." - Jonathan Valin
The Absolute Sound Magazine, issue 230, Feb 2013, Neil Gader: BEST SOUND / HIGHEST VALUE AWARD NOLA BOXER
"WOW!" "How much are these?" - Jim Hannon


NOLA's Carl Marchisotto has done it again with his new KO loudspeaker.
The top of the Boxer line, this $10,000 loudspeaker was producing some
of the best sounds of the show. The can fill a very big room too

RMAF 2012, Coverage by Jim Clements
Posted by Jim Clements on October 16, 2012 at 6:48pm

Nola had the KO's at the show this year ($9,800/pr). They are the new
speakers at the top of the Boxer line. The open baffle design is one
of my personal favorites and these are built to a more domestic scale
than some of their larger models. The KO's really got the midrange

RMAF Best of Show? - $10K NOLA "KO" destroys most regardless of price
caesar, posted 10/14/2012.
As a music lover, I was hitting the hotel carpet pretty hard
looking for the handful of speakers that could transport me to
that transcendental State of Flow. Now it is very easy to blame
the hotel room walls , windows, poor room size, and to come up
with other excuses of why speakers sound like crap at shows. But
music lovers can easily cut through the malarkey: they are
listening to the musical whole rather than to sound. Of course
tastes differ. Of course we have had previous experiences have
shaped us. Of course, we all have biases. But let's face it: some
designers are just damn better than other in taking the detail and
embedding it in the musical whole than others. Some designers are
just better at making their speakers sound more natural.
Listening to my own music, such as Quincy Jones' Walking in Space
and Brubeck Live at Carnegie Hall, it was very easy to tell apart
a good audiophile speaker from a music lover's speaker. To me, the
Nola KO was an easy winner. Carl's genius is to capture the
music's realism and naturalness. Yes, the YG was alright. It was
very dynamic and its cabinet is quieter by a whole lot, but who
cares about that artifact when you want the musical whole? Yes,
the $50K Vandersteen, with even more expensive ARC electronics
than Carl used, excelled in resolution and other audiophile terms
but lacked that magic. The new Wilson speaker with uber expensive
dCS was just throwing too much detail into my face, but the Maxx 3
with Yoshi/ Joshi/ Doshi ???? amps was pretty good, yet it seemed
that it was still designed for audiophiles looking to check those
dreaded terms off their list as they seek that "Deeper
Understanding" -- The $30K Rockport with BAT and Playback Designs
was very good, but did not have the openness that made me let go
and forget ...(Great to see BAT with a new amp, by the way, as I
was starting to get worried about them.)
If I had to make a decision on the spot of what speaker to live
with over the next 10 years, would I choose the $10K Nola over the
MBL 101? No. Out of what I heard, I think MBL was more real
sounding and was able to transport the listener in a time machine
better than anything at the show -for the same reasons as Carl's
speaker: which is to get that damn speaker out of the musical
experience and to fool you into thinking you are at the original
Now I know those who believe in "high fidelity" religion will tell
us what they like in a matter of time. Nothing wrong with that
-- as I said, all tastes and goals differ. One man's paradise is
another man's hell -- And with no Magico at RMAF, there will not
be Magico Derangement Syndrome on the part of the press, so it
will be interesting what the elites will have to say. But the
music lover off the street could have walked into the NOLA room,
camped out for 3 days, and not missed a whole lot in the show. And
for $10k, which is NOT CHUMP CHANGE BY ANY MEANS, the KO outdid
many others at multiples of its price and was a clear winner.
I definitely did not hear everything. Any other speakers a music
lover may enjoy?
mep, posted 10/14/2012.
Ok. I'm fresh back from RMAF and I'm a little blown away from seeing
Caesar's post about the Nola speakers. When I came home today I was
blabbing to my wife about the only thing that RMAF that gave me a
serious case of "I want it." I took damn few pieces of literature from
the show because frankly, I didn't want any of it. It all ends up in
the trash over time and I'm tired of brining trash home. The ONLY
piece of literature I brought home was the literature for the KO
speakers. I was even dumb enough to show it to my wife thinking she
might be even remotely interested.
So imagine my surprise when I fired up my computer and saw this
thread. Caesar beat me to the punch in proclaiming how good these
speakers are. I think they are phenomenal. Best sound of the show for
me? No contest, it was Carl's room. And maybe just maybe I should
caveat that statement more than a little and say best sound at the
show that is remotely affordable by men earning less than 7 figures a
year. The MBL room sounded incredible with its incredibly priced
gear. Last year at RMAF I didn't give a damn for the sound they
reproduced in their room with basically the same gear. This year was a
different story.
But back to the Nola KO speakers -- I think they are very special. I
think I get the point that Caesar was trying to make about the way the
Nola's sound compared to the way the big Wilson's sound. In all
fairness to Wilson, cramming such a huge speaker into a tiny hotel
room and expecting wonderful results is a little like wishing a
3-legged nag could win the Kentucky Derby. For me, it was too much
speaker and not enough room. Carl actually had a much bigger room to
display and play his gear in. Even though I'm fresh off of the ARC
trail with not so fond memories of hearing my right bicep tendon
snapping as the VS115 was falling off the Fed Ex scale, the sound the
Nola KOs were making with the ARC Ref 5SE and REF 75 amp (and whatever
ARC CD player Carl was using) was just incredible in my opinion. It
sounded more like real music and less like real good hi-fi.
So Caesar, you and I are on the same KO wavelength. I love these
speakers and I want a pair.

Nola showed their new-at-Newport Beach KO ($9800/pair), the top
speaker in their Boxer collection, with the usual full suite of Audio
Research Reference electronics, including the Reference 75 power
amplifier ($9000) that I previewed a couple of months back as well as a
full loom of Nordost Odin cabling and Quantum power products. The KO
looks like nothing so much as a three-quarter-scale Baby Grand
Reference, though it does not have the larger and more expensive
speaker's ribbon tweeters, the highs being covered by four 1"
silk-dome drivers. Like the BGR, it is an open-baffle speaker, save
for the woofers. The KO produces a crazy-big and beautifully
delineated soundstage on orchestral music, just like its big brother,
and showed some eyebrow-raising dynamics from its pair of 7"
metal-cone woofers, which operate in separate chambers. The KO is very
refined, as are all of Carl Marchisotto's designs, and profoundly
musical. Anyone looking for a gallon of performance in a pint pot
should plan on hearing the KO as soon as possible.
Confessions of a Part-Time Audiophile
Posted on November 5, 2012
The $10k KO loudspeakers from NOLA were very popular at the show, and
everyone I stopped and talked to had them in their top 5 for "best in
show". I thought they were really interesting -- imaging in the sweet
spot was sharp -- and the room was set up to show them off to their
best effect.
This is one of those head-scratching moments at the show, though. If
NOLA can pull this kind of sound out of its hat for $10k, why are we
paying $100k for loudspeakers, exactly? I honestly can't answer
That said, my favorite NOLA loudspeaker is, and remains, the Boxer,
which was on static display in the corner. That little guy is
awesome. $1,500 -- a very convincing case for value, in my
book. Oh, and it sounds fantastic. I came by this room twice
and each time, I was happily impressed with the sound. And each time,
I wondered if it'd be rude to see if the Boxers could be swapped
in. Ah, well.
The always-sexy $13k Audio Research REF5SE preamplifier was paired
with the new $10k REF75 amp to round out the demo package. That stereo
amp, unlike its big brother the REF150, has those sweet vu meters on
the front -- and, from what I'm told, a substantially sweeter
sound. Dunno myself, but I am very curious about these two
Yes, those are wheels turning in my head. Leave me alone.
