Accent Speaker Technology was founded with the belief that it could
bring the live musical experience to a broader number of people than
had been previously reached. Carl Marchisotto's speaker designs have not only
met this goal, but have been held in the highest regard by music
lovers and reviewers alike. They have collected innumerable awards and
won the praise of critics all over the globe.

RMAF 2019: Positive
Feedback gave Nola their Audio Oasis Award: "This award is given to
you due to the superior sound that I experienced in your space. Being
in your room was a true Audio Oasis! moment -- relaxation, and
getting into the music, instead of being driven out of the room!"

NOLA BOXER 2 wins 2018 Editors Choice Award from The
Absolute Sound magazine.
February 2018

February 2017:
Micro Grand Reference Gold wins stand-mounted speaker award
from the very select AUDIO NIRVANA magazine. It was rated one
of the best stand mounted speakers regardless of price by Joel

NOLA BOXER 2 wins 2017 Editors Choice Award from The
Absolute Sound magazine.
February 2017

AXPONA 2016: Dr. David
W. Robinson, Editor-in-Chief of Positive Feedback magazine, awards
Nola Studio Grand Reference Gold the Audio Oasis Award

Boxer 2: Editors Choice Award
February 2016
"The Boxer is
an unassuming, 2-way, bass-reflex compact with a sound that's
unerringly musical - a canny balance of warmth and detail. Images are
vivid, and transient reflexes quick. This is not a shy, recessed
presentation, nor is the treble brittle or fatiguing, Excepr for the
slightest presence-range dip, there's substance to every octave, with
very little dynamic compression. -NG, 203"

January, 2015
NOLA Concert Grand Reference Gold wins Best Sound Award, 3 years in a row
Best Sound (cost-no-object):
The imposing Nola Concert Grand Reference Gold loudspeakers driven by
Audio Research Electronics connected by Nordost Odin cables, which was
able to convey the grandeur and scale of a large orchestra. - Jim
Hannon, The Absolute Sound

Nola Baby Grand Reference
Nola Metro Grand Reference
Nola Micro Grand Reference
Nola Contender
Nola Boxer

presenting a musical experience as close to "real" as I've ever heard,
Nola and Audio Research win the 2013 Best Sound of the Show Jimmy
Award." - James Saxon for The Audio Beat magazine.

Jim Hannon's Best of Show:
NOLA Concert Grand Reference/Audio Research electronics (last day
of show) (From The Absolute Sound online blog, 1/25/2013)

Issue 230/February 2013:

Issue 230/February 2013:

2013 Editors' Choice Awards:
NOLA wins four Editor's Choice Awards from The Absolute Sound Magazine
for Boxer, Micro Grand Reference II, Metro Grand Reference II, Baby
Grand Reference II

2012 Editors' Choice Award:
Nola Boxer: "The Boxer is an unassuming, two-way, bass-reflex
compact with a sound that's unerringly musical -- a canny balance of
warmth and detail. Images are vivid, and transient reflexes
quick. This is not a shy recessed presentation, nor is the treble
brittle or fatiguing. Except for the slightest presence-range dip,
there's substance to every octave with very little dynamic
compression. NG, 203."

2012 Editors' Choice Award:
Nola Viper Reference III: "If you are frustrated by loudspeakers
that occasionally impress in a hi-fi sense, but don't really allow you
to focus on the music, TM found the open-baffle multiway ribbon/cone
Nola Viper a breakthrough -- neutral, non-analytical, and highly
musical. Tom Martin, 181 (Viper I reviewed; updated Reference III not
yet auditioned)"

2012 Editors' Choice Award:
Nola Metro Grand Reference: "Offering a tremendous sense of
spaciousness, air and naturalness, this sonic marvel has an uncanny
ability to transport you to the concert hall. Its custom Raven ribbon
tweeter and Alnico-magnet midrange, mounted on an attractive open
baffle, produce a reference-quality top end that mates seamlessly with
a wonderfully open and seductive midrange. Bass from th twin 6.5"
woofers, housed in separate chambers, is surprisingly powerful and
extended with a slight touch of added warmth. These small-footprint
speakers produce big beautiful sound on a wide range of music."

2012 Editors' Choice Award:
Nola Baby Grand Reference II: "This large, ribbon/cone,
quasi-line-source floorstander, designed by the redoubtable Carl
Marchisotto, may not cohere quite as well as New School designs in the
bass; nonetheless, it is one of the more lifelike speakers JV has
reviewed -- and certainly the most successful ribbon/cone hybrid of
his experience. With downright breathtaking treble, resolution,
transient response, dynamic range, power-handling, and soundstanging,
the Baby Grands invariably sound like the real deal regardless of
program, which makes them those rarest of transducers -- loudspeakers
that are equally adept at reproducing acoustic and electric music. JV,

2012 Editors' Choice Award:
Nola Metro Grand Reference Series II: "The finishing touches on
this update to Carl Marchisotto's original Metro Grand Reference
speaker were installed perilously close to the deadline for this
issue. Before the modifications were made to the two ports (on the
speaker's backside), the sound of the unfinished Metro update (not the
original version) was somewhat cloudy, ill-defined, and minus both the
midrange spaciousness and definition that all of Marchisotto's designs
normally have. (We were told the update to the Metros that just
arrived on the premises wasn't finished when we did our original
listening, and I, for one, knew what to expect when the updates were
"The least expensive speaker in this new series of so-called
reference systems is the Micro Grand Reference, which I reviewed in
these pages and found remarkably smooth, open and airy. It underwent
the updating some months ago. The updates are in the crossover
system and designed to make the separate drivers perform more like a
single driver (considered a theoretical ideal, but not a very
practicably achievable one). In the redesigns of this and the other
systems in the Reference line, Marchisotto's goal is to make the
speakers in the systems sound as if they are one (by reacting
together and coherently).
"To these ears, the Metro II completely outclasses the Micro Series
II -- from top to a shockingly low, powerful, and air-moving bottom
octave to its very smooth response at the outer edges of the
frequency spectrum. And that is all I have to say about it, pending
the upcoming full review. Hint, though: You can't go wrong with the
Metro Series II. And I wish I had the time and room to say more,
even knowing I don't yet have its measure." - HP

2011 Editors' Choice Award
(Micro Grand Reference): See review in Issue 210. "HP found this
speaker thrilling in its clarity, spaciousness , and 'big speaker'
sound. A new day for small 'monitor' speakers has dawned."

2010 Product of the Year
Award (Nola Boxer)

Writers' Choice
Award 2010 (Nola Boxer)

2010 Editors' Choice Award
(Nola Viper Reference II): "If you are frustrated by loudspeakers that
occasionally impress in a hi-fi sense, but don't really allow you to
focus on the music, Tom Martin found the open-baffle, multiway Nola
Viper Reference to be a breakthrough - neutral, non-analytical, and
highly musical."

2010 Editors' Choice Award
(Nola TBolt III Subwoofer): Harry Pearson wrote, "The addition of
the Nola TBolt IIIs (still one of the cleanest, most musically natural
of all those on the market) gave the power for the thunderous bass
some movies require, without coloring the bottom octaves (as, say, on
organ recordings) unnaturally."

2009 Editors'
Choice Award (Nola Viper Reference II)
2008 Maximum Mojo Award (Nola Viper IA)
2008 Product of the Year (Nola Baby Grand Reference)

2009 Editors' Choice Award (Nola Viper Reference II)
Rocky Mountain Audio Fest: Best in Show (Speakers) (Nola Baby Grand)
2007 Editors' Choice Award (Nola Grand Reference IV.1)

Writers' Choice Award 2007 (Nola Viper IA)
2006 Editors' Choice Award (Nola Grand Reference IV.1)
2006 Editors' Choice Award (Nola TBolt III Subwoofer)
2005 Editors' Choice Award (Nola Grand Reference IV)
AudioArt Magazine
Best Performance of the Year 2005 (Nola Grand Reference II)

Writers' Choice Award 2004 (Nola Mini)